In an effort to continuously improve communication, the CCPS Transportation Department has added a link on the website called “Morning Changes” to post last minute and planned changes relative to morning bus runs.
Find this link, and other important transportation information under the Where’s the Bus heading at https://www.culpeperschools.org/o/ccps/page/transportation

Congratulations @CCPSFarm Dwight Sanker for being recognized with the CCPS Spotlight Recognition! Read more in our news!

TONIGHT, November 3!
One Act Play Showcase! Both high schools participating in one location! CCHS auditorium at 6pm. Admission is free.

We're thrilled to announce a new app for Culpeper Schools!
It's everything Culpeper Schools, in your pocket!
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3C8PQGH
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3SeOxeN

Have a fun and safe evening!

Mark Your Calendar!
November 3 at 6pm. One Act Play Showcase! Both high schools participating. Will be held at CCHS.
You don't want to miss it!
@ccpscchs @ccpsevhs

School Board Meeting 10/24/2022
Further information may be found at:

Electric buses have arrived! Training is underway! Drivers, bus maintenance and emergency responders are all learning about this new addition to our fleet!

We are so excited to share that the Eastern View FFA has their very own commercial with @thejacksondean and @ramtrucks! Congratulations @CCPSEVHS and Morgan!
Watch here: https://youtu.be/-m1dmwyn4r0
@virginiaffa @easternviewffa @nationalffa

Mock interviews are underway!
Thank you to all of the many community volunteers who make this event happen!

It's CCPS Transportation Appreciation Week and National School Bus Safety Week! Let's show some love to our bus drivers, bus aides, and transportation staff this week!

Last week, our 5th graders went to the Culpeper Airport for a day of STEM activities. Thank you @CulpeperAirFest and all of the many volunteers and businesses who made this possible!

School Board Meeting 10/10/2022
Further information may be found at: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/culp/Board.nsf/Public

Join our team! We are hiring!
History, Music, Math, Elementary, Spanish, ESL
Apply online today: www.culpeperschools.org

Culpeper County Public Schools is hosting a workshop for parents, individuals, and students regarding self-advocacy with ADA and IEP. See flyer for more information.
Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/427137227947

Wow! Our CTEC Culinary Arts II students, also known as the Blaze Kitchen, catered Friday Night Lights at the Culpeper Airfest tonight and did an amazing job!
@CTE4CCPS @CulpeperTec

Congratulations to seven Culpeper County Public Schools (CCPS) students who have earned academic honors from the College Board National Recognition Programs.
Read More:

We had a great day "crunching" on local apples at all of our schools! Thanks to our School Nutrition staff for all that they did to make it a great day!

Today is the day! Get ready to crunch!

Congratulations to @CCPSCCHS Coach James Ford for being selected as the Washington Commanders Week 3 Coach of the Week for the 2022 Season!